One of our user was having issue of frequent disconnection and reconnection to exchange server
Now... the issue is not with Exchange, Internet, VPN tunnel etc. etc.... as suggested all around the internet...
Its with regestry settings on Client side, for connection timeout... Dont know how it got messed up....
Following steps require you to edit registry. PLEASE TAKE A BACKUP BEFORE GOING AHEAD..
Right clkick on the Key and Select EXPORT.... Save it... as backup... Create a Double Backup Just In case.. (JIC)
1) Click Start, click Run, type regedit and then click OK.
2) Browse to following registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters
3) In the right side pane, Select "autodisconnect", Right click and select "Modify"
4) Now what ever the value is there type "fffffff" click OK
If the "autodisconnect" entry is not there then follow the below steps to create one
1) Browse to the folowing regestry location : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters
2) In the right side pane, Right click and select "New" and then click DWORD (32 Bit for 64 Bit OS)
3) Type "autodisconnect", and press ENTER. (without the " ")
4) Select "autodisconnect", Right click and select "Modify"
5) Click Hexadecimal.
6) And type "ffffffff" (8 times f), and click OK. (without the " ")
1) Now browse to following Registry location : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Service\lanmanworkstation\parameters
2) In the right side pane, Right click and select "New" and then click DWORD (32 Bit for 64 Bit OS)
3) Type "KeepConn" (without the " ")
4) Select "KeepConn", Right click and select "Modify"
5) Type : 1 to 65535 (time in sec) so if you wish to keep the connection for 20 min type in (1200), I used 1800 (30 Min) 60*Minutes are seconds which you would like to enter so 60*30 = 1800
1) Now browse to following Registry location : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\RPC
2) In the right side pane, Right click and select "New" and then click DWORD (32 Bit for 64 Bit OS)
3) Type "DefConnectOpts" and press ENTER. (without the " ")
4) Select "DefConnectOpts", Right click and select "Modify"
5) And type "0", and click OK.
If the RPC key is missing no issues, create it by follow the steps to create it
1) Browse to following Registry location : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\
2) In the right side pane, Right click and select "New" and then click "Key"
3) Type in RPC and press Enter
Now Reboot the PC and check... No more Outlook Disconnections..
Location for Different office version.
office 2007 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\RPC
office 2010 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\RPC
office 2013 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\RPC
hummm.... HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\13.0\Outlook\RPC the 13 doesnot exist... seems Microsoft too thinks its JINXED